Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ben's been busy!

Emma in front of outdoor toilet and pigsty
As the men are coming to change our roof in the weeks ahead, we had to move forward with the big project of demolishing the outside toilet and pigsty. Thankfully, a good friend of Ben's came of and lent a hand... with the sledgehammer. The outdoor toilet was quite funny, as there was still cobwebby toilet paper hanging from its faded pink holder, a twee picture of a little boy peeing (cough), and a calendar from... 1986! The pigsty was somehow more charming and the stone trough is still in place as we'd like to excavate it carefully enough to be able to use it for flowers later on.

Where the outdoor toilet and pigsty used to be
The wooden toilet door, which you can see in the top picture behind Emma, has a wooden heart carved out. I'm now going to try and save it, paint it white and keep it as a little souvenir. I'm not saying it's a tasteful idea... but, as we're throwing so much out just now, it feels nice to try and keep one or two things along the way.

 I Heart U

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