Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cars, cars, cars

Okay, so I knew having a boy would involve talking about cars and guns and things. Just as I hope that having a girl will involve talking about fashion, and fun, and, well, boys.

But I didn't think it would get this crazy!

The boy has over 50 cars and knows all the important brands. He also memorises constantly which cars he's playing with, which cars are 'broken', which ones are in the garage and so on.

If I take a couple away as a punishment for a minor offense, then he'll come back to me later on and say, 'I would like my Mercedes Benz van and my blue Opel car please!'

And going for a walk around town has become a car watching session. Yesterday, I made the mistake of crossing through a large parking lot. The walk turned into him running from car to car and tapping their car badges: Voltzwagon, Fiat, Ford....

I don't even like cars.

I mean I was that girl who never knew the names of cars.
AND, yes, there's an AND.

I'm also that girl who never knows what kind of car her friends drive.

Well, Jack is that boy who does. 'Look, Maman, it's Melanie/Jean-Pierre/Tata Lily.'

The end result? I'm now that Maman that can name cars and knows exactly what kind of cars her friends drive.

So, to finish up, I knew that boys would involve 'snails and puppy dog tails' but not an increase in Match Box car sales.

Want to join in the fun? Name the cars below:

It's a Volvo

It's a Rover

It's a Fiat Tipo

It's a Renault 5

It's a BMW

And Emma? Ach, she's fine.. sleeping through the night, eating well, dressing in pretty pink clothes but not yet talking about boys!
Ouf.. because if I need to learn as many boys names as I do car names then I'm in trouble ;-)
Hoping you're all well... whatever you're talking about,

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Hello there,

The good news at this side is that Jack is settling into both being a big brother and going to school.

I have to say I understand why he's more motivated now to go to school - when he arrives in the morning a little girl runs forward shouting 'Jack' and reaching out her arms for a hug! A second, more dubious reason is that he's making friends. Why am I dubious? (Smile) because he came home last Friday and proudly announced that he'd played with 'le boys' and that they'd done lots of 'bêtises' (stupid things). Now, to be honest, I'm not so worried about the 'bêtises' as I am by the associated pride that he'd done such things!

Meanwhile, Emma continues to grow into a smiley and happy wee chunky monkey! She seems perfectly happy with her little life and grins away to herself, whether someone's watching or not . As she's beginning to sleep longer at night, I'm also to be found grinning to myself.. that, though, may just be the long term results of sleep deprivation!

Whether you're smiling or dreaming of sleep as you read this,
stay well.
much love,
