Sunday, April 29, 2012

And I've been busy, too!

Before Jack and I got to work
Yes, I got my girly power on!

Demolishing the bathroom, so we can install the kitchen, is my project and I'm having fun!

Seriously, I didn't ever think I could do all this on my own.... with Ben in the apartment sleeping.

Only I could... with the help of Jack.

How did Jack help? When water first started gushing out of the sink pipes, I said I was a bit scared. His reply? Think of Grand Corps Malade, a French rapper who sings about how we should overcome problems in life.Why? I replied a bit surprised that my five year old, out of the blue, was making symbolic and lyrical comparisons during the demolition of a bathroom! Well, he said, Grand Corps Malade always you should keep going when you're scared because it's being scared that stops us from doing what we want!

That was it! Two minutes later the sink was off the wall and I was proud of punch of myself and my wee Jack!

After Jack and I got to work
And who says bathroom doesn't just say sink and bidet (bidet!) and bathroom tiles and 1970's wallpaper, they also say Dr Who-like tardis-like shower cabinet and bath.

Now the shower's gone, there's only the bath (and more of that darn wallpaper and those daft tiles) to go.

Sunday afternoon, here I come!

hugs to one and all,

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