Saturday, March 14, 2009

Between seasons

As the snowdrops and the crocuses push their humble way out of the cold earth down here on the plains of Alsace, great amounts of crushing snow cover the upper hills of the Vosges. And so it was last Sunday that we left the sunshine of early spring and retreated back into the winter of the hills. And, it was fun. We dressed Jack up in his finest winter gear, rented a sledge, and got down to some serious skidding action. Jack was fair game for, after a few hesitant first attempts, he got going by himself... both sledging alone and bringing the sledge back up the hill to start again. Of course, the day wasn't all about Jack.. and Ben and I also had some sledge time and we made sure that once the day was done we retreated to somewhere cosy for warm food and good chat. Driving back down out of the snow and into the sunshine felt odd though.. as we really felt ourselves on the cusp of a new season and another new chapter in our lives.

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