Friday, March 27, 2009

Some Funny Stories...

This week, Jack and I left the comfort of Spring and drove from the plains of Alsace up into the wintry hills of the Vosges to visit with a friend. Everything was going well until I started to make my way up her driveway, where there was so much snow that I almost lost control of the car. As the car skidded a little from left to right, I entered a zone where I was more focussed on keeping control of the car than what I was actually saying. Indeed, it was only once I'd calmed down and reentered the normal world that I realised Jack was in the backseat muttering to himself 'oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!' Then, when he realised I was listening to him, he said in a high-pitched and rather nervous voice, 'Maman, oh shit, a lot (of snow), car boom? oh shit' ... Needless to say, I calmed down after that, and was soon in the warmth of my friend's house, eating a delightful dinner with her family and catching up!

Last week, as I tucking Jack into bed and wishing him goodnight, he was busy giving Teddy an imaginary bath - turning on the taps, making the noise of the water, rubbing his hands with soap, cleaning Teddy's 'zizi, bum, neck, head..' and, well, you get the picture. He was 'towel' drying his hair as I closed the door....

A couple of days ago, Jack came into the bedroom as I was getting dressed and saw that I was putting on a new blue T-shirt. After looking at me for a moment, he said 'Celà, pas bonne' (That one's not any good) Then he walked over to the cupboard, opened the door, and pulled out a new T-shirt. 'Change.'

Don't you think these are signs that our wee boy's growing up... and that possibly he might just be in need of a little sister to keep in him company?

love n hugs,


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

La Vie en Rose

We had another scan last night and..........the gyneo thinks that we're going to have a girl!
Of course, I'm most happy that 'she' looks healthy and that her evolution is normal...but, I have to admit it, I am overjoyed at the idea of having a girl to complement the Jack!
I've posted a picture of the scan... it's not the best as 'she' had her back to us, but we still saw her wriggle her feet and rub her head :-)
Now I'm approaching the start of the 5th month, we have 4 months left to prepare ourselves to the idea of having a little girl in the family!
I'm looking forward to it!
love n hugs to you all,

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Last weekend, as well as sledging at the Donon, I went for a good walk in the woods around Thannenkirch (thann = pine tree / kirch = church) with a friend. We only walked for 2.5hours but the our main objective was to get to this charming shelter for lunch, not to reach the top of the Taennchel. Such a walk, we decided, would be done later.. when I was in a lighter condition. The walk we did was just grand, as it took us from the valley, with its whispers and smells of Spring, up into the cold shadows of Winter where we could find the tracks of deer and wild boar stamped in the snow.

Between seasons

As the snowdrops and the crocuses push their humble way out of the cold earth down here on the plains of Alsace, great amounts of crushing snow cover the upper hills of the Vosges. And so it was last Sunday that we left the sunshine of early spring and retreated back into the winter of the hills. And, it was fun. We dressed Jack up in his finest winter gear, rented a sledge, and got down to some serious skidding action. Jack was fair game for, after a few hesitant first attempts, he got going by himself... both sledging alone and bringing the sledge back up the hill to start again. Of course, the day wasn't all about Jack.. and Ben and I also had some sledge time and we made sure that once the day was done we retreated to somewhere cosy for warm food and good chat. Driving back down out of the snow and into the sunshine felt odd though.. as we really felt ourselves on the cusp of a new season and another new chapter in our lives.