I have some good news for you. All going well, Jack should have a little brother or a little sister by the beginning of August.
Yep, that's right! I'm three months pregnant and everything is going well so far!
We had an echography last week and saw its head, legs, arms, heart, stomach, back bone. You know? All the usual stuff that makes up a baby yet seems so miraculous when you see it on the screen for the first time. What's cool is that we'd had 2 previous echographies and so have really seen the foetus evolve from a little-pea like thing to a wrigglinng grub to the full 65mm 'baby.' It's incredible.
We have told Jack that there's a baby in my tummy and he seems cool with that...but he doesn't understand why he doesn't 'have a baby' in his tummy: Jack, baby? He'll say, lifting up his T-shirt and pointing at his tummy. Jack, baby!
At the moment, he's also creating lots of funny little sentences:
'Jack flush' - when he wants to flush the loo after using the potty.
'Jack drive?' - ever hopeful, when we get in the car
'Jack bum, bum, bum - he says with delight whenever he pulls down his trousers.
He can also tell us little stories. For example, when I asked him recently how his day was at the Nanny's, he said of another baby: 'baby pleure' (baby cry), Lily calin (the Nanny cuddled him), Lily kiss, teddy kiss, baby dodo (baby sleep). Then he smiled, as if content that his story ahd a happy ending.
He also likes the word 'big' - to describe his big spoon, his big bike, and himself, BIG, when he stands up to the sink to wash his own hands.
So, while our baby-in-making isn't very 'big' for the moment, know that we are getting ready for the BIG changes having 2 kids in the house will bring. What's that I hear you saying? We have to get ready for BIG trouble! Ah well, bring it on!!!
lots of love,
Yep, that's right! I'm three months pregnant and everything is going well so far!
We had an echography last week and saw its head, legs, arms, heart, stomach, back bone. You know? All the usual stuff that makes up a baby yet seems so miraculous when you see it on the screen for the first time. What's cool is that we'd had 2 previous echographies and so have really seen the foetus evolve from a little-pea like thing to a wrigglinng grub to the full 65mm 'baby.' It's incredible.
We have told Jack that there's a baby in my tummy and he seems cool with that...but he doesn't understand why he doesn't 'have a baby' in his tummy: Jack, baby? He'll say, lifting up his T-shirt and pointing at his tummy. Jack, baby!
At the moment, he's also creating lots of funny little sentences:
'Jack flush' - when he wants to flush the loo after using the potty.
'Jack drive?' - ever hopeful, when we get in the car
'Jack bum, bum, bum - he says with delight whenever he pulls down his trousers.
He can also tell us little stories. For example, when I asked him recently how his day was at the Nanny's, he said of another baby: 'baby pleure' (baby cry), Lily calin (the Nanny cuddled him), Lily kiss, teddy kiss, baby dodo (baby sleep). Then he smiled, as if content that his story ahd a happy ending.
He also likes the word 'big' - to describe his big spoon, his big bike, and himself, BIG, when he stands up to the sink to wash his own hands.
So, while our baby-in-making isn't very 'big' for the moment, know that we are getting ready for the BIG changes having 2 kids in the house will bring. What's that I hear you saying? We have to get ready for BIG trouble! Ah well, bring it on!!!
lots of love,
ps/okay, I know the echography isn't great quality - but you have to imagine the baby is lying on its back with its legs in the air. It's head is on the left hand side and its arms and legs are slightly white-ish and bent at angles pointing upwards. You can see part of the backbone at the bottom of the screen, where the black ends and the greyish part starts.
what wonderful wonderful news, Jack will be so proud to be a BIG brother. Hugs all round.
je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de vous féliciter mais la nouvelle m'a profondément réjouit pour vous 3!!!
gros bisous
A huge congratulations to all of you! May it all go smoothly for you.
Hey there Robyn and Benoit,
Congratulations! That's fantastic news.
And yes, as a (proud) parent of two, I can confirm that 1 + 1 > 2.
I love hearing the funny stories about Jack, and it always reminds me that I should write more about my kid's stories as well.
Your bit about how Jack likes the word "big" in particular brought memories of Rafael also liking the word "grand" and applying it to funny things. First, it was "grandes chaussures", "grand chien", "grande table", ... and then one day he looked at his "zizi" and said "grand zizi", which Nancy thought was really funny. Ah ... boys will be boys ...
Are you going to find out whether you're you having a boy or a girl, or keep it a surprise?
Cheers, and keep us posted on progress. It's a very exciting time!
-- Dominique
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