Monday, January 26, 2009

Our little Puppy

Jack has been like a little puppy all week: rough, rough, rough (ruff, ruff, ruff). He caught a nasty cold last Tuesday night and so has needed lots of 'med'cine' and 'calin' (cuddle). He keeps telling us 'Teddy pleure' (Teddy is crying) and is all about being curled up on the couch with us, under a blanket - of course. The upside is that Ben took last Thursday off just to be with him and found time to paint that nasty yellow wall in the backround white. So, I guess our dark cloud has a silver lining and our yellow wall now has a white finish! Not only because of the wall but also because he was pampered all week, he is feeling better now.. and -ouf - we're all glad!

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