Friday, August 10, 2007

Nine months!

A good friend once told me that the nine month anniversary is an oddly important one because it's the point when they've spent as much time on the outside as on the inside (so to speak). I didn't really get it when she told me, but now I do because at this point Jack's becoming more and more independant of me. When he's sad or needs a cuddle or food, he crawls to me but otherwise 'he's off exploring the world.'
And he has had much to explore because after spending a great ten days in Provence we're now in Cagnes. We've come down to the coast to be with Mami Annette, who will have heart surgery this coming Monday. Jack's done well at adapting once more to a new environment and spends most of his time crawling from room to room and standing up against tables and chairs. He's even grown his first bit of a tooth, but not without some suffering (for him and for us!). The good news is that we've another week left here before we leave which should give us the time to introduce him to the sea and some old friends from the region...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a milestone this is, never thought of it in that context. From a blob to a real little boy - pure magic indeed.