Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Seven Weeks Old and Smiling About it :-)

What? I'm already seven weeks old? No problem, mate! I've already got my parents under control! Afterall, all I need to do is smile and they melt and do whatever I want them to do for me (hug me, feed me, hug me, change me, hug me.. and, for goodness sake, leave me alone for ten minutes so I can sleep a little ;-)

and more smiles!


Merry Christmas

I think Jack likes Christmas because... he's started smiling proper smiles (that is, he smiles not only when he's about to fart or burp!).

And, he has good reason to smile because in the seven weeks since he was born we have received over 50 greeting cards and too many presents to count. Indeed, Christmas was made much better by the fact we saved a good number of his parcels for Christmas day and so we had a real family Christmas with presents from everyone (thanks Aunt Jen, Gerry and Jackie, Shona and Iain, Sam and Fraser, Jillian, Josef and Aina, Mum and Dad, Nina and really to everyone who has sent presents and cards over the last few months). Living in Alsace is wonderful but it does mean that we are away from so many people we care about.. and that our living room has been continuously decorated with your presence has meant a great deal to me, Ben, and Jack!!

So, I hope you all had a lovely, lovely Christmas Day (and that Santa was good to you ;-)
much love,

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Now I'm Six Weeks Old!!

In the last week I've become a bit more 'independant'
. Now that doesn't mean I'm out driving Dad"s car and having wild parties but it does mean I can hang out and 'talk' to myself for an hour or so. I'm also working on my smile and on lifting up my head so I can charm the girls... even more!!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Visitng Germany

Last weekend Jack visited Germany for the first time.. and so got to spend time with Aunt Juliette and cousins Antoine (5) and Charlotte (3). He was really relaxed throughout the weekend (though he rather rudely threw up on Aunt Juliette!) and even enjoyed a walk out to this, their garden plot situated outside of the town.

Five Weeks Old!!

Jack has really changed for us in the last couple of weeks as he now looks at the world and smiles when he likes what he sees!!

He's also developing a daily pattern -- in the mornings he's 'independant' insofar as he's happy to lie on his mat and chill out by himself; in the afternoons he likes to eat and sleep and to be carried around or to go out for a walk(or rather his mum likes to do this while the weather is still good); then, in the evening, he feeds more often and really looks to interact with us (I have to say between 6-9 he's at his most adorable as he's completely relaxed and chats and smiles away to us); finally, as the night approaches he quietens down but needs more reassuring and more hugs before morning comes and the cycle begins again!!

Just now he's in the baby carrier attached to me (like a kangaroo pocket) and we're listening to Eddie Reader. He's completly relaxed looking around him and swinging backwards and forwards as I type. His hands are out to each sie and every now and then he gurgles as if in confirmation that,yes, the world is an okay place to be :-)

And, it really is for him.. because our visit to the doctor on Friday confirmed that he's growing nicely. Indeed, he's grown 4.5 centimetres and gained a kilo since he was born. I can hardly believe it - though he no longer fits some of his smaller pyjamas - and both Ben and I are ridiculously proud of him (yep, all 53.5cm and all 4 kilos).

But iit's all perfectly normal for him and so watch this space ashe continues to grown into a right wee.... Jack!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Now I'm three weeks old!

.. and I'm super proud of being just so old!!

going for a walk!

grandma and granddad come to visit!

We obviously passed an excellent time gooing and cooing over Jack and generally catching up!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Today I'm two weeks old!

Hello there,

Jack's enjoying his afternoon nap and so I thought I'd write a wee message to say all is going well so far (phew). He's sleeping, eating, and pooing as he should.. and his parents are still in seventh heaven (though beginning to look in need of sleep..).

He really is a joy to be around, as he's normally very quiet and calm. The first ten days in particular were very peaceful as he was asleep most of the time. Now, he is beginning to spend more time awake.. looking around him, enjoying cuddles, wondering when he can eat again. And, this time awake is a lovely time to 'meet him' and to watch him as he encounters the world for the first time.

He can't yet appreciate the number of gifts and cards that are filling our letter box.. but I can and so I would like to say a hugs THANK YOU to all those who have sent their well wishes (and more). Knowing that so many people are thinking of us and are eager to meet 'the wee man' really is a comfort during this time of change. So, cheers!

This week is another big week for Jack, as his Scottish grandparents are coming to stay this Thursday. Mum's already made sure that we have whisky so Dad and Ben can 'wet Jack's head' and while they're busy with that business I'm sure mum and I will find our own ways to celebrate!!

Watch this space for news and more photos...
much love,

Day 12: don't I have a cute hand!

Ten days old: just look at me!!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

What can I say?

Jack Cnockaert was born on Monday 6th November at 9.33am and we're completely chuffed!!

He measured 49cm and weighed 3kg and the birth was without complications.

I spent last week in hospital recovering, being spoilt, and generally smiling (a lot).

He came home on Friday afternoon and ever since we've all been getting to know one another and the new pace of our lives.

It's a delight!

I'll post photos as we go along.. but, meanwhile, know all is well and we're all as happy as can possibly be!!!


Sunday, October 22, 2006


This is a photo of Mutzig taken during today's afternoon walk. Our apartment is just below the church in the centre of the picture. Mutzig is around 20 minutes drive from Strasbourg and lies, surrounded by vineyards, in one of the many valleys that lead into the Vosges hills.

Two weeks to go...

I always said that when the days grew colder and the leaves started changing colour then the 'birthday' of Jack would soon arrive. And now the days have grown colder and the leaves have started changing colour... and it's true that the final countdown has begun. Ben and I have had our last visit with the doctor, we've signed up with the hospital, and we've got all the 'stuff' we should need for the first wee while... In fact, after my final session with the 'wise woman' this Wednesday, we've nothing left to do but wait for the big day to arrive.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Award Winner!!!

Marion Agus An Banphrionsa (Marion And The Princess)Director: Melanie Clark Pullen Jury Statement Short film in Irish is a striving genre and Gael Linn is proud to recognise achievement through its award Gradam Gael Linn. This year’s recipient is Melanie Clark Pullen for the film Marion agus an Banprionsa.Gael Linn CEO Antoine O’ Coileain on behalf of the judging panel said“This is a delightful film which beautifully recaptures a little girl’s dream encounter with Princess Grace during an Irish visit. The film seamlessly weaves actuality, flashback and present day to great effect. Its two child actresses, Erin and Doireann Learmont are truly outstanding. A joy to behold was the judges summation.”

Now, let me explain!

About 3 years ago, Melanie and I were sitting in a café overlooking the Med. talking about the projects we wanted to realise. As she sipped on her hot chocolate, Melanie began to tell of an idea she'd been nurturing.. as someone who was Irish and who had studied the Irish language at university and as someone who was at the time living only a few miles from Monaco, she was interested in researching the time Princess Grace (Kelly) visited Dublin. Why? Because she wanted to write a short story or create a short film about the event, using research she could gather from the Princess Grace library in Monaco. More than that, though, she wanted to use a newspaper clip she'd found about how Grace visited a children's hospital ward. In that way, she could fashion the story around how Marion, a young Irish girl, might have experienced the wonder of meeting a 'real, live Princess.'

Well, you know how life is.. a few months later Melanie and her husband Simon left Antibes to return to Dublin (and Ben and I moved to Alsace). Once 'home' Melanie started to put her plan into action, and applied for a film grant from the Irish Language film board. Then, having won the grant, she summoned together a film crew and shot the film both in Ireland and in Monaco. Sound simple so far? Well, it wasn't - as she really had to invest herself and her everyday life in the details of generating people's interest and maintaining the professionalism of everyone's involvement.

But, life works its miracles because last week Melanie showed her film at the Cork Film Festival and won the award for best short film in the Irish Language.

Can you imagine ?

So, if you have a project hiding under your dream pillow why not pull it out, give it a shake, and see what you can do with it?

Afterall, Marion dreamed of meeting a Princess and she managed it!!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

cushion for hire!

Only days after leaving my job for maternity leave, I've found a new calling in life as a ... cushion.

Charlotte, at least, found me very comfortable and quite practical.

She was also quite taken by the idea that there was a baby in my tummy.. though she did keep checking that it 'was still there.' The reason for her inquietude? Quite logically, she was concerned the baby would get cold if it was born just now as it's all naked and the temperature has recently dropped to autumnal levels!

I'm with her, and so the 'wee one' has strict instructions to stay 'where it's warm' for at least another month :-)

So, if you know of anyone who needs a 'cushion' in the next month or so, you know where I can be found!!!



Saturday, September 30, 2006

Five weeks (or so) to go..

We had our latest meeting with the doctor today and it was relaxed and easy going as ever as we followed our typical conversation.

doctor: How are you doing this month?
me: fine, thanks
doctor: okay, we'll do the usual tests and then schedule our next appointment
me: okay
ben: okay!

:-) What can you say? With only a few weeks left everything seems to be trundling along quite merrily!

I finished work yesterday - and so am officially on maternity leave (as I really enjoyed my work it feels a bit odd to have finished, but I'm sure I'll get used to it...).

Tomorrow, Ben and I are heading through to see Juliette (his sister) in Germany - and I'll stay on until Wednesday while he'll come back tomorrow evening. So, expect tales from deutschland on Thursday!

much love,

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

and finally!

.. and a rather 'bumpy' photo of me in our bedroom (though, be warned, this photo is already a few weeks old!)

et voila! a rather quick and easy guided tour of our new apartment.

Of course, there are things we'd like to change - but then, hey, isn't that the joy of actually owning your own place? As you can make it 'your own' rather than just muttering about the landlord's lousy taste in home furnishings!!!

love n hugs,

and the kitchen...

.. and the kitchen (though some of it is hidden behind the lens.. including the big window with looks out onto a lovely leafy tree).

baby's room

.. and if you think the baby's room looks 'a bit messy' - you should see it today as Ben's just stripped all the wallpaper off the walls!!! Hopefully, I'll be able to post another photo in a few weeks that looks a bit more like a real room (you know, with furniture and stuff :-)

not the most exciting photo but..

and the hall....

the living room part II

... and the second shot of our living room - and an inkling of just how green the hallway is for the moment!

Apartment Pictures


This is just the first of a few photo blogs showing off our apartment (but not its paintwork!).

Rather obviously, this is the living room.. which has 3 windows that look out onto the stone entrance to Mutzig (see flood/July 14th photos).

So far, it seems pretty ideal as it's cool in summer and - with the fireplace - should be nice and cosy in winter.

(there's also plenty of room for a certain wee boy to spread his toys around!).


Saturday, August 26, 2006

he's a growing boy!


Ben's busy sanding the shutters in the living room, so I've retreated to my computer :-)

I promise I'll post pictures of the apartment soon but, meanwhile, just know that its exactly what we were looking for and that Ben's doing a great job of the redecorating (we now have a breakfast bar in the kitchen, shelves in the bathroom, and the shutters are being re-painted and the windows are being re-varnished). We've also plans for the baby's room and a little time to turn them into reality.

A little time.. yep, that's what it feels like!

In fact, we visited Dr Machu today for our 30/40 week checkup - and all's well. The wee boy is approximately 31cms and should grow at least another 15cms before 'he's done.' (which, I guess, means my tummy is going to have to grow some more!!). We did have another scan - which gave a great picture of his back (spine curving like a giant millipede; heart beating happily; and, legs thrashing). However, camera-shy, he kept his face hidden and so we don't have any new photos to show. What's most important, though, is that everything is going amazingly well as I move through the third trimester. My next appointment with Dr Machu is at the end of September and I have my second meeting with the mid-wife (sage femme) later this week and then every week for 7 weeks.

So, yup, things just keep trundling along...

Hoping alls well with y'all,

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

wise woman


Today was a big day on the 'baby calendar' as I visited with my mid-wife for the first time. Now, the first thing to know is that in France she is called a 'sage femme' which basically means 'wise woman'. And, the thought of visiting a 'wise woman' just put me in a good mood before the meeting even began :-)

We talked for about an hour and she seems really accessibble and down-to-earth. She told me about the three different hospitals or 'maternities' that Ben and I can choose for and the type fo questions to ask when we do visit. She talked me through the types of contractions I might feel from now on in and has shown me how to do basic breathing exercises - which Ben now loves because the baby reacts strongly enough when I 'breath' you can see his movements from the outside. And the movements feel really cool...they make me laugh...and if I lie on my side or in a position he doesn't like, I soon know about it - oy, you up there.. move over! is the message that comes through load and clear via a well placed prod or an inside shuffle. And the funny thing is.. I always thought it would be kinda 'Alien' freaky but its not.. or at least its not yet.

That's all to say that things are going well. I also visited with the doctor, Doctor on Saturday and he is absolutely happy with my progress at the six, yes SIX, month mark. I'm now to go back in a month for my seven-month scan.

So, if I haven't bored you too much with all this stuff, please do watch this space for more news soon!!

much love n many hugs,

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Better than 14th July!

Yesterday, our 36* weather exploded into a huge thunderstorm - complete with hailstones. The result was quite spectacular... as the road just infront of our apartment flooded with water. Thankfully, the water didn't come much closer to our walls than 50 yards because it really was quite deep and ugly looking. Amazingly enough, the water did drain away quite quickly because after only 30 minutes the road was relatively dry again.

So, once again, our living room windows provided ringside seats...especially as this guy's car broke down only a few seconds later and he had to borrow our mobile to call his dad (which also provided excellent entertainment as he tried to explain exactly why he had driven through the water rather than waiting...).

hugs n smiles,


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Israel - Lebanon conflict


I received this thought-provoking email from a friend today, and thought you might like to share in her message.

Alena, is someone for whom I have the utmost respect. She has traveled to and lived in destinations around the world. She wrote her email as one of her friends is living in Lebabon. Now, I simply cannot take sides in the Israel-Lebanon conflict. However, what I can say is that I often forget the faces we see on the news are real people, with lives like you and I.

So, here's Alena's email:

Dear Friends,

I have been extremely lucky in this life that in every country I've lived in I have known so many generous and enormously talented women. I am in awe ofall of you and I thank you for even tolerating me. Right now, a woman very like you - fun-loving, kind to an astonishing degree, very very smart, and a friend of mine - is in Beirut as the bombs drop continuously around her.

She is Lebanese, educated in Canada, a Christian (like 40% of her country) andno cruise ship is coming to rescue her from the danger, nor would she boardit if it were.The tragedy in the Lebanon is one that you should hear from her- a message I think she wants heard- so please let me share the email I received fromLaurice this morning:

"Alena, Thank you, I've been in Beirut since yesterday, I haven't slept asecond from all the bombardments. I'm a little tired but running on pure adrenaline. I'm scared for myself and scared for not being able to see myfamily and even more scared for the people here. We're holding ademonstration tomorrow for Israel to stop bombing us, I might be in that onebut I will for sure be in the demonstration that will happen either thisFriday or this Saturday promoting peace. Help is always needed, ALWAYS!! There is absolutely no way anything can getinto Lebanon, no food, no medical supplies, no nothing! And we're slowly running out and all prices have increased ridiculously with whatever is leftand no one can afford to buy anything since most people lost everythingthey've ever had. The situation is bad, it's horrible but we are hoping forthe best by demonstrating that we, as Lebanese Citizens, DO NOT WANT thiswar. Contrary to many others opinion, we don't want to fight, we want peaceand we want to eat, drink, breath and live just like anyone. You can send that message across to any officials who are interested in helping Lebanesecitizens and the best way and the only way to do so at the moment is to make our voices heard. [...]as for me leaving, they will have to drag me out of my own home before I take this decision. Just hope it wont get tothat, I'm not ready to leave. "

Laurice is a Project Coordinator for an NGO in Beirut that teaches youngpeople about entrepreneurship - the same people that will be rebuildingLebanon yet again when the bombs finish grinding this beautifulMediterranean country between the teeth of its two giant neighbours. You cansee the work they do at www.jalebanon.org.

I hope it will show that this country is - and should be allowed to be- more than just a war zone.Thank you, and As-salaamu Alaikum

(Peace be upon you.)-Alena

Friday, July 14, 2006

July 14th 2006

Last night, at ten o'clock sharp and to the explosion of three fired guns, the parade of the 14th July started right outside our window. So, we had ringside seats as the folks of Alsace - disguised as the rich, poor, and revolutionary of the 1700's - filed past with firey torches held aloft.

celebrating the new apartment

A couple of weeks ago, Ben's folks drove up from Nice to Alsace to visit and to help us settle in... and they helped us they did for soon both the washing machine and the stove top were installed and the old apartment was cleaned and ready to hand back!! Thankfully, we also had some time to relax and to enjoy each other's company.

Here we are celebrating both the new apartment our 2nd wedding anniversary... but definitely not the yellow paint in the living room (which will be changed asap!!).

After their visit with us, they drove through to see 'the Derimays' in Germany.. and we followed them at the weekend to enjoy time together and to watch some world cup football. Now, what was Zidane thinking....

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's a boy!!

It's true!

We had our latest scan on Saturday morning and it appears 'the wee boy' is in perfect working order. As you can see from the photo, this scan is really different from the others as you can see the details of the face, the backbone, and both the stomach and the heart. As he's now he's five months old, most of his body has already developed and now only has to grow and grow!

Meanwhile, as he's been developing, our lives have been evloving as well!

Why? Because ten days ago we moved into our new apartment and so we have been busy unpacking boxes and rearranging things. It's great/amazing/superb to have our own place - and I'll post photos just as soon as things have settled down. For the moment, though, we've only had the internet since last night.. and we're still not sure if our 'international phone line' is set up (so, for all those who have called -thank you- and, trust me! I'll call you back once everything is in working order..ps/just to say that our phone number hasn't changed!).

So, phew, that's how things are going at the moment!
much love n many hugs,

Saturday, May 27, 2006

heart beats

I'm smiling.

We returned to the doctor today and got to hear the heart beat of the 'wee one'. It sounded just like a train. You know like 'the little train that knew it could'? - schtacoo, schtacoo, schtacoo - but really fast! It was great.

Now we've our next appointment scheduled for the end of June and at the point we'll have our next echography/scan and so know if its a 'fille ou garçon' or its a 'girl or a boy'!

Cool stuff, huh?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


On the ground, storks are long, spindly, elegant birds that strut about like they have understand and disdained the world.

Then, their vulture-like wings haul their bodies into flight and - for that second between ground and air - they become cumbersome and almost shocking.

Once in flight, they transform again as the deep bow of their chests plough through the air like a boats sailing deeply through the water.


Our friends - Lynsey and Eric - from Cagnes sur mer came to visit for the weekend. After a rainy start walking around Molsheim, we headed to Strasbourg to visit the cathedral and 'la petite France.' Strasbourg really is such a pleasant place as its riddled with canals and traditional houses. In the evening, we ate the Alsatian equivalent of pizza - tarte flambé - before trundling home to bed!

On Sunday we followed the 'route de vins' down through the vineyards to Ribeauville - where we saw loads of storks while we walked through the town. As you might be able to see in the photo, my tummy is beginning to get a bit bigger (though with all the food we've eaten recently that's probably no real surprise!).

More seriously, things are going well - as I'm around the 15th week, have loads of energy, and am looking forward to my next meeting with the doctor this Saturday.

hugs to all,

Saturday, May 13, 2006

day at the farm


A couple of weeks ago Ben and I joined Muriel and her niece, Virginie and her daughter Margo, and walked through the vineyards connecting Ribeauville and Riquewihr. Then we had lunch at a traditional Alsatian restaurant before going to the farm to play with the animals (cows, sheep, horses). It was really great day out and was a superb alternative to my usual position at the moment (alseep on the couch!).

hugs to all,

ps/The photo shows the farm we visited with the Vosges hills behind and, if you look closely, you can see the château du Haut Koenigsburg sitting on top of the tallest of the hills.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

I have legs!

See my two legs, my teddy-bear bum, and then my big head!
This is just a short, jubuliant message to say that our wee baby has legs that we saw wriggling and jiggling about this morning!
The doctor seems happy with the progress (s)he is making and we've scheduled the next scan for two months time!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

okay, so I should clarify..

okay, so I should clarify..
... Spring in Alsace still means, from time to time, you can find snow to play in!

...and, yes, Mr Snowman was pleased to have the chance to 'come to life'.

walking in the woods

To create a break in all the full-time sleeping that I'm doing at the moment, Ben and I headed out yesterday for a 'walk in the woods.'
We began at the chapel de Dabo, which is a small chapel perched on top of a hill that surveys the plateau d'Alsace from on high. Then we descended back down towards Molsheim and stopped off at a small wooded trail for an hour long wander through the trees. The weather was wonderfully sunny and the woods were alive with the sounds of Spring: the shushing of the wind, the chuckles of the birds, and silence. It felt really good to be outside and to feel winter drawing to a close.

So, here's hoping -wherever this blog finds you in the world - that the seasons are turning in your favour!


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spring is in the air!

I've been wondering how to announce this on the blog, but I guess the above picture already speaks more than a thousand words.

Benoit and I are about 8 weeks pregnant and are already counting down the days until November 3rd.

We had our second ultrascan yesterday ( we had the first three weeks ago but all we could see at that point was a little 'chick pea' that was 'tellement petit' that it wasn't worth announcing). Yesterday's scan was much better, as the wee creature measured about 2.5cm (yes, that's still petit!) and was wriggling and jiggling about as though he was very much happy to be alive!!

The funny thing was that yesterday was April 1st - and so for the moment he's our little 'poisson d'avril' and our little 'april fool'. The date of the scan is April 22nd....

So watch this space for more news... and know that I'm thinking of you all!
best regards,
ps/we are still moving ahead with the apartment and should be moving in around the end of May.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

We've found a place to live!!

To find our new home? walk through this gate...


I know I haven't blogged recently but things have been so busy! And, not least, because we've found an apartment to buy.

Yes, I know that originally we were looking for a house but in the end we decided that an apartment was the simpler solution. Why? Because most of the houses in our price range would require some renovation work and Ben and I both realised what we're looking for at this point is simplicity.

So, we've found a quite adorable apartment at the entrance to Mutzig, a small town of 5000 people about 5 minutes drive from Molsheim. The apartment is part of an old house that has been subdivided into 8 sections and encircles a large court with parking places. The living room is large, has a wooden floor, and a lovely fireplace. The two bedrooms are comfortable and the kitchen is fully equiped. Also, there's a large cellar for the washing machine, bikes, and boxes. As with our current apartment, we can walk into town and to the train station. Photos will follow :-)

If everything goes okay, we should move in on May 25th 2006! So, watch this space for more news....

Hoping all is well,

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My friend Jane, who has recently moved to the Ukraine has compiled some great “blue lists” - travel-related lists. Here are her entries:

An eclectic collection of Kyiv restaurants - Bluelist - Lonely Planet

Photographing Kyiv - some lesser known spots for snaps - Bluelist - Lonely Planet

Perfect Places to Pop the Question - Bluelist - Lonely Planet

Why not go along and have a look - you never know you might be tempted to visit someplace new after reading the first two, or you might be tempted to ask someone to marry you by the time you've read the last one!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

How to be paid to trave!

Hello again,

Just to let you know that I've adapted a newspaper article I'm working on (for the P&J) into a bluelist entry.

It's called 'How to be paid to travel' and can be found by plugging 'money' into the search function.


Meanwhile, though, a HUGE THANK YOU to all those who have already voted for me! Both entries and now within the 'most popular entries' list... which can surely only be a good thing!


Saturday, February 18, 2006

House Hunting

I've been a bit quiet for the last few weeks because things have been busy. Why? Well, work is keeping both Ben and I busy. Ben is traveling a lot and keeping up with his reports while the start of the year is always busy for Linguissimo. In addition, we're in the process of finding a house to buy - and are actually at the point of proposing a price for a house (or will be in ten days time, when the agent returns from holiday). It's a really cute house, with a garden and even a vegetable patch! We both really like it but are in no rush to buy something, so if our proposal works - great - if not, we'll just keep looking :-)

So, hoping alls well at your side,
love Robynx


If you're reading this and have some time to spare, why not consider entering the latest
Lonely Planet competition?

Here's the idea:

Write a list of things to do in an exotic place and win the chance to write for the Lonely Planet!
How? Well, after you publish your list all the other readers of the Bluelist 'vote' to say if it's any good. The lists with the most votes catch the eye of the judge and 'bingo' you're on your way to China for your first assignment!!

My first submission can be found under 'browse all keywords' and then the word 'swimming'.

My second submission can be found under 'browse all keywords' and then the word 'paradise'.

Have a look and then enter your own list!

hugs n smiles,

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Big smiles! Ben and I have just returned from a weekend in the mountains! Living just beside the Vosges hills, the recent low temperatures and snowy days have made me yearn for the slopes. When I was younger I went skiing all the time with my family and so winter has become connected with the desire to drink hot chocolate while talking about the latest run and snow conditions :-) Listening to my heart, Ben booked us into the 'Auberge du Lac Blanc' on Friday night. The only thing was, as soon as we arrived we knew we wanted to stay longer... and so quickly reserved for Saturday night as well. Which meant, after a great day's skiing on Saturday we came off the piste and then had the luxury of reheating at the hotel- (hot chocolate for me and coffee for Ben) . Which in turn meant that we could go for a snowy walk and enjoy the evening and all before dinner! Really, it was just ideal and only and hour and a bit's drive from the house. Hopefully, this'll mark the first of many weekends :-)

Returning home today we found a parcel from Sam containing... freshly caught.. wonderfully vegetarian... haggis! So tomorrow night - with neeps and tatties - we'll enjoy a feast fit for Scottish poets :-) Thanks girl!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

my sweater


A big thanks to Mum, Annette, and Juliette for helping me with not only this sweater but also with the couple of scarfs I've knitted/am in the process of knitting. Heaven knows I wasn't born a natural knitter, but that just makes me all the happier to have finished my first sweater. Next task? a woolen poncho! Here goes.....

ps/for those interested (Jane, Mary, Alena, Melanie etc) you can see my rather cluttered writing space behind - filled with photos and memories and, of course, empty cups of tea.

Oh brother!

Much to my delight, my brother Graham and I spent ages talking on the phone last night!! He's travelling around New Zealand at the moment and his phonecalls are fun because they go rather like this:

G: You know its 7.45am NZ time and I'm standing in a wee village.
R: Where?
G: Rotura.
R: (typing Roturainto google) http://www.tourism.net.nz/new-zealand/about-new-zealand/regions/rotorua.html Oh, Rotura, that's in the North island.
G: Yes, close to hobbiton.
R: What?
G: You know where the Hobbit village was filmed.
R: (typing hobbiton)http://www.hobbitontours.com/ That looks funny.
G: Yep, but I'm not going there as people say its a bit naff.
R: So, what are you doing today?
G: I'm going zorbing.
R: What? (typing 'zorbing NZ' into google.)
G: You know the hamster ball thing.
R: Oh: http://www.tourism.net.nz/new-zealand/attractions/adventure/zorbing/rotorua/
G: Only I don't know whether to do the dry run or the one with the bucket of water inside.
R: (reading the webpage) They say the dry run makes you feel less sick.
G: Well, I'll probably do the wet run then.
R: Yep, that sounds better. So, what have you been doing for the last few days?
G. Hiking my way through a national park, watching hawks dive on possum that have become roadkill, and listening to Kiwis scuffle about in the dark.
R: What does a Kiwi look like?
G: I was too cosy in my tent to go and look.
R:(typing Kiwi into google) Well, they say the Kiwi is 'The kiwi is canny, strong and stroppy, but it's vanishing from New Zealand at a rate of 5.8 percent every year. '
G: Yep, its a kind a silly, flightless bird.
R: yep, but you shouldn't mess with it because 'Despite its awkward appearance, a kiwi can actually outrun a human and have managed to survive because of their alertness and their sharp, three-toed feet, which enable them to kick and slash an enemy.'
G: Glad I stayed in my tent, then!

And so on and so on!!!


Cheers Graham, and watch out for those canny strong and stroppy Kiwis (as they sound awfully female to me!).


Sunday, January 15, 2006


Here's a picture of Molsheim from the quite, quite, frozen vineyards!
(If you see the blog for October, you'll see quite a different picture of Molsheim!)

Snowy Walks

My friend Jane who has recently moved to the Ukraine just posted some snowy pictures on her blog. Not to be outdone, I thought I'd do the same!

As the temperature gauges read -5°C, I donned my thick socks and woolly scarf for a wintry walk through the local vineyards.

As the snow crunched underfoot, a kestrel circled overheaded and the distant sounds of children playing with their dog echoed all around. It was really lovely, as all the trees had frozen into place and so any colour or movement became really bright and important.

All the same, the nicest thing of all was to come back home and to settle down with some warm milk and a slice of Ben's homemade ham and nut bread!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Happy New Year!


It's been a while since I last said 'hello' - so I hope alls well at your side and that you're enjoying the beginnings of the new year.

For my part, mum and dad came across for Christmas and so we visited the Christmas market in Strasbourg, Haut Keonigsbourg, and generally relaxed and enjoyed ourselves.

Then, for New Year, Ben and I drove down through Switzerland and Italy to Nice (where we used to live and where his parents currently live). Once there we caught up with some old friends and spent time with Jean Claude and Annette. On the first day of the New Year we donned our new roller blades and went for a skate and a skitter along the Cagnes promenade next to the sea!

The, phew, for Epiphany we went through to visit Juliette and Regis in Germany - where the girls knitted and the boys played 'Age of Empires 3'! It was all very enjoyable as we chilled out and had time for a wintry walk around the town.

Now, Ben and I are back in Molsheim and we - very importantly - have nothing planned for this weekend, except catching up with unfinished jobs around the house and contacting old friends.

So, here's hoping that you are well and that life continues at this happy and relaxed pace :-)

love n hugs,