Much to my delight, my brother Graham and I spent ages talking on the phone last night!! He's travelling around New Zealand at the moment and his phonecalls are fun because they go rather like this:
G: You know its 7.45am NZ time and I'm standing in a wee village.
R: Where?
G: Rotura.
R: (typing Roturainto google)
http://www.tourism.net.nz/new-zealand/about-new-zealand/regions/rotorua.html Oh, Rotura, that's in the North island.
G: Yes, close to hobbiton.
R: What?
G: You know where the Hobbit village was filmed.
R: (typing hobbiton)
http://www.hobbitontours.com/ That looks funny.
G: Yep, but I'm not going there as people say its a bit naff.
R: So, what are you doing today?
G: I'm going zorbing.
R: What? (typing 'zorbing NZ' into google.)
G: You know the hamster ball thing.
R: Oh:
http://www.tourism.net.nz/new-zealand/attractions/adventure/zorbing/rotorua/G: Only I don't know whether to do the dry run or the one with the bucket of water inside.
R: (reading the webpage) They say the dry run makes you feel less sick.
G: Well, I'll probably do the wet run then.
R: Yep, that sounds better. So, what have you been doing for the last few days?
G. Hiking my way through a national park, watching hawks dive on possum that have become roadkill, and listening to Kiwis scuffle about in the dark.
R: What does a Kiwi look like?
G: I was too cosy in my tent to go and look.
R:(typing Kiwi into google) Well, they say the Kiwi is 'The kiwi is canny, strong and stroppy, but it's vanishing from New Zealand at a rate of 5.8 percent every year. '
G: Yep, its a kind a silly, flightless bird.
R: yep, but you shouldn't mess with it because 'Despite its awkward appearance, a kiwi can actually outrun a human and have managed to survive because of their alertness and their sharp, three-toed feet, which enable them to kick and slash an enemy.'
G: Glad I stayed in my tent, then!
And so on and so on!!!
Cheers Graham, and watch out for those canny strong and stroppy Kiwis (as they sound awfully female to me!).