Saturday, September 30, 2006

Five weeks (or so) to go..

We had our latest meeting with the doctor today and it was relaxed and easy going as ever as we followed our typical conversation.

doctor: How are you doing this month?
me: fine, thanks
doctor: okay, we'll do the usual tests and then schedule our next appointment
me: okay
ben: okay!

:-) What can you say? With only a few weeks left everything seems to be trundling along quite merrily!

I finished work yesterday - and so am officially on maternity leave (as I really enjoyed my work it feels a bit odd to have finished, but I'm sure I'll get used to it...).

Tomorrow, Ben and I are heading through to see Juliette (his sister) in Germany - and I'll stay on until Wednesday while he'll come back tomorrow evening. So, expect tales from deutschland on Thursday!

much love,

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