Monday, October 03, 2005


I'm now at home eating kugelhopf and drinking gerwutztraminer, though not necessarily at spelling them.

Why? Because now when we take a trip to Germany it feels like visiting a home away from home (and not just because its cold and raining).

Anyhoo, we had a lovely weekend in Germany and not least because our new Golf drove us there (we cannot really say we drove, as we were too busy playing with the gadgets and listening to CDs to care about anything else other than the gear box was on automatic and the speed was on cruise control!!).

Once with Juliette and Regis, we helped unpack their boxes and play with the kids while generally relaxing and eating good food. Stressful, it was not.

Now we're back on the other side of the Rhine we're both busy working hard and enjoying life.

Indeed, it is - as they say - all good!

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