Sunday, October 10, 2004

fish eggs

Sunday morning lethargy is stopping me from grading papers...but fits well with the weather as last night's thunder storm is slowly disolving into bird chatter and misty clouds.

This morning I ran out for croissants, and complained as my feet got wet in the morning's puddles. Such complaints are funny though, as yesterday we (Ben, Alex, Cyril and I) were snorkeling and so soaking wet. That swim was wonderful because the wind was slowly preparing for th storm, and so left us with a playground of waves and currents. Equally special was the experience of swimming through fish eggs. Not one or two eggs, but thousands and thousands of them circling around the underwater caverns and rocky inlets. Coloured pink, they floated like miniscule jelly fish - unassuming yet awe-inspiring in their potential. Swimming through them, we reached out hands forward to grasp at their forms.. but held by an underwater wind they blew onward and outward to sea.

Today, as the white of the sun breaks through the moisture of the clouds and my lethargy dissolves into action, I expect such memories will help me through the grading that lies ahead!!

First, though, its time to put the kettle on.
So, bye for now!

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