Wednesday, September 22, 2004


I saw my first real-live octopus last Saturday -- when snorkeling with Benoit, Melanie, Simon, Alena, and Vince at La Trayas.

Ben, Vince, and I were swimming out toward the rocky island when Ben beckoned for us to come and see. At this point the ground was about 20 feet below us.. and there she was... buried in the sand.

Tucked outside her sandy cave, two of her spotted tentacles held court - while her delicate head and body were folded inside the sand.

Diving down, I could see its dark eyes looking outward from its cream, jellylike form huddling backwards.

Returning to the surface (gasping for air!), I wondered about its world and then swam on....

1 comment:

marion said...

after reading the three books of the dark materials trilogy I can believe anything - what an experience !!!these are the things you never forget. still early spsring here. not warm enough for swimming yet.