Monday, October 25, 2004



We (Simon, Alena, Vince, Ben and I) have just come back from a weekend's camping in Castelane. Yup, its nearly November... but, with numerous cups of coffee and more than a beer or two, anything is possible!

We had a really great time because - before camping on the Saturday - we hiked in the Gorge du Verdon (saw a snake, some circling birds of prey, and teeny, weeny rockclimbers up way above us in the distance. The walk we did was particularly cool as it combines long dark tunnels through the rock with tremedous, airy vistas down the vast gorge and into wooded cliffs. Fanatastic stuff, I can tell you!!

Then, on the Sunday, we slowly woke up and watched as the inverted clouds in the gully to the left of us disspated in the yellow of the morning light... and - less romantically - munched on pain aux chocolats :-) Then we collectd sandwiches from Castellane and headed out to the lakes... where the boys threw stones and we all found fossils.

Now, we're back home - rested and ready to plan our next camping, skiing, hiking trip!!!

(yeah for weekends)

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