Monday, June 25, 2012

Opening Up

One day you might see bookcases on that back wall!

Just a wee update to say that our L-shaped living rooms is beginning to take form. The pillars have been pushed back and reinforced. Now all that's left to be done are the walls, the ceiling, the floors...

All that'll be for a future blog.

For tonight, though, we'll just keep our dreams alive!
ps/Ben's busy putting up the ceiling in the kitchen. Photos soon x

Try to imagine that the second opening at the back right, is the same opening as you see above


marion said...

how to rebuild your house in 10 easy lessons. Pause for laughter, I did not put in "difficult" did I? Send cheques for $100,000 to Jack and Emma for finished layout

marion said...

so enjoying this blog MaRION

robyn said...

Marion, my eyes picked up on chequeS: some for Emma and some for Jack! Sounds good to me ;-) Glad you're enjoying the blog... some big changes are about to come up... and so watch this space for more!!!

love n hugs,
your daft niece!