Sunday, July 25, 2010

Changing Directions

Hello there,

New directions are being taken... as Mr Jack has definitely turned a new page for he's become much gentler and a little calmer in the last couple of weeks. He listens more and seems more attentive to reality. Now, that doesn't mean that he's a wee angel for he's not. It does mean, though, that I'm chuffed with him and hope that we'll stay 'on this page' for a while before the winds picks up and the pages start aturning once again.

Miss Emma, meanwhile, is turning from a little monkey into a wee chimp! She'll giggle and wag her pointing finger at us if we tell her 'No' for something. If she hears us telling her not to do something (for example, climb the stairs, touch the fireplace, go into the kitchen) she'll do everything in her power to do that 'thing' all the faster. Here she is surrounded by all the tissues she emptied out of a box last week. See that smile? That's our new Emma!

Hoping you're all smiling as you own lives twist in their new directions,


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