Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

While we were in the Alps, Jack enjoyed the fun of a real Easter Egg hunt with his two cousins, Antoine and Charlotte. As well as scoring loads of chocolate, he received a hand-made elephant pillow from his Aunt Juliette. I tell you, he's a lucky lad!

In other good news, My tummy keeps getting bigger as I approach the 6 month mark of the pregnancy. My last doctor's visit was funny:

'How are you,' he asked.

'Fine, thank you,' I replied.

He checked and I was fine.

'See you next month,' he said.

'Yes,' I said, and we both agreed with smiles that this pregnancy seems to be going well, thank you very much!


love n hugs,



Anna said...

Hey Robyn - glad I whacked your blog on my favourites ages ago as great to catch up with your life in France. Great news on the baby girl front!! My sister Naomi had a dream I had a daughter called Susan the other day...No chance of that happening! Jack looks absolutely great in your photos and sounds like his chat is fairly coming along. Believe it or not we are preparing for Max to go to secondary school in a few months. Unbelievable stuff.

robyn said...

Anna, how grand to see your name in bold and to read your words. I write this blog but am never really sure who is reading it.. that you 'catch up with me' with this blog is great news and, not least, because (you're right) the years are passing. That Max is going to secondary school is great news for him but also for our initial point of contact is now swinging round to create a complete circle. Please, let's do stay in contact as the pendulum continues curving its shapes.. and know that I'm glad to know that your out there and that I'm in 'your favourites' :-) hugs n all, Robynxxxx