Friday, August 12, 2011

Annette's Patchworks


While we were in Les Omergues, Ben's mother - Annette - ran a week long exhibition of her patchworks.

As you'll see if you follow this link and this link, she designs and creates her works of art in a quite breath-taking fashion!

hugs to one and all,


Marionz said...

what a wonderful exhibition of patchwork Annette is VERY talented. Translated in google. Loved the photos of Jack and Emma are they their own quilts they are looking at.

Yvon said...

Merci d'avoir mis des liens sur le Blog des Omergues...
Mais il faudra peut-être que je pense à une version "en anglais", car la V.O. n'est peut-être pas appropriée pour tous tes visiteurs