Friday, June 26, 2009

Let's move it, move it!

I was busy dreaming this morning when I heard Jack calling to me through the dream. I ignored him for a while and then awoke to hear him say 'Maman, I wake up. You come?' Stumbling through to his room (okay, so it was already 8h30 but stumbling was all I could manage), imagine my surprise when, coming through the door, I walked straight into his bed. 'J-a-c-k, how did you do that?' 'j'avance' (I move forward). How? 'mur' (with the wall). I don't really think he used the wall, I think he put his feet on the floor and pushed until he could push no more! Oddly, he hadn't realised he could now use the big bed to get out.. but as soon as I suggested it he was out of his bed in a moment.
Hmm, I think he'll soon be out of his 'little bed' and into his 'big bed,' don't you?
ps/obviously, the littler bed is meant to be in the top right hand corner of the room/photo.. not in the middle, darn it!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ode to Benoit

I just wanted to give a shout out to my Benoit, for he has been and continues to be a wonderful companion throughout this odd journey called life. More specifically, I just wanted to let you know how excellent he's been about not only pushing through all the apartment's renovations but also redecorating the living room and bedroom. In the last few months, he's been painting walls and puting up shelves, and spending time thinking about how he can best improve our living space. And now our wee girl is only 7 weeks away from arriving (she's turning about in my tummy as I write), we're really about ready to welcome her into her home. Once Ben's finished the next stage of redecorating - which involves repainting our bedroom and installing a walk-in closet - I'll post pictures to remind you of just how dramatically we've transformed our apartment. For the moment, though, let this picture of Ben and Jack also herald their relationship.. for, goodness, that's one worth celebrating too.