Sunday, March 02, 2008

Kisses and Arnica

Hello there,

This is really a moment for kisses and arnica.

That is, Jack has learned how to give big wet sloppy kisses but receives as many as he gives away because of the many falls and bumps and bruises he accumulates in a day. One day, he had a red line running across his eye (a bump with the edge of a wall) and a blue mark behind his ear (after an incident with the stairs) and then hundreds of other little bobos!
I have to say, though, that he's getting much more adventurous as we go for 'proper walks,' as he feeds himself at the table (often with disasterous results), and as he gains more and more confidence at the pool (clambering out of the pool only to 'jump' straight back in again).
Here we are at Pierre Percée lake, where Jack had great fun getting his shoes wet and collecting slimy stones.
And so, when I remember this time, I'll remember days of winter sunshine, the gentle kisses of my son, and the sweet smell of arnica rubbed on bruised skin!
Robyn xxx

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