Monday, January 15, 2007

Nine Weeks Old

A funny thing!

I went to the dentists last week and mentioned I had a funny feeling that Jack has grown his first two teeth.. and he has! Okay, so they are only wee bumps of teeth but they are there.. on the bottom right of his mouth. He's actually had them for about a month now but to begin with I thought they were ulcers because, surely, they couldn't be teeth!

He's continuing to sleep through the night (last night he slept from midnight until 8am) and so life is just so much easier :-)

He's obviously also continuing to grow but we'll have to wait until this Friday's doctors visit to know just how much...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello Robyn,
Super les photos, merci de nous faire partager vos joies. Jack est en tres grande forme !!
Quels changements en aussi peu de temps!
Nous vous envoyons de grosses bises.

Annette et JC