Wednesday, August 02, 2006

wise woman


Today was a big day on the 'baby calendar' as I visited with my mid-wife for the first time. Now, the first thing to know is that in France she is called a 'sage femme' which basically means 'wise woman'. And, the thought of visiting a 'wise woman' just put me in a good mood before the meeting even began :-)

We talked for about an hour and she seems really accessibble and down-to-earth. She told me about the three different hospitals or 'maternities' that Ben and I can choose for and the type fo questions to ask when we do visit. She talked me through the types of contractions I might feel from now on in and has shown me how to do basic breathing exercises - which Ben now loves because the baby reacts strongly enough when I 'breath' you can see his movements from the outside. And the movements feel really cool...they make me laugh...and if I lie on my side or in a position he doesn't like, I soon know about it - oy, you up there.. move over! is the message that comes through load and clear via a well placed prod or an inside shuffle. And the funny thing is.. I always thought it would be kinda 'Alien' freaky but its not.. or at least its not yet.

That's all to say that things are going well. I also visited with the doctor, Doctor on Saturday and he is absolutely happy with my progress at the six, yes SIX, month mark. I'm now to go back in a month for my seven-month scan.

So, if I haven't bored you too much with all this stuff, please do watch this space for more news soon!!

much love n many hugs,


Elisabeth Aiken said...

Yea!!! I'm so glad to hear all is well in babyland-- we've been talking about you three lately! Miss and love you.

Anonymous said...

great to hear all the news on how you feel and what is happening keep it coming. Zanna

Anonymous said...

Love seeing your updates and glad to hear all is going well! I love the baby movement but you just can't imagine it until it happens in you!

robyn said...

Thanks for your comments, guys!

And, Sheila, you're right! I love feeling him moving around..and when Ben placing his hand on my tummy its a great way for Ben 'to meet' his son and so to share in the experience!!