Big smiles! Ben and I have just returned from a weekend in the mountains! Living just beside the Vosges hills, the recent low temperatures and snowy days have made me yearn for the slopes. When I was younger I went skiing all the time with my family and so winter has become connected with the desire to drink hot chocolate while talking about the latest run and snow conditions :-) Listening to my heart, Ben booked us into the 'Auberge du Lac Blanc' on Friday night. The only thing was, as soon as we arrived we knew we wanted to stay longer... and so quickly reserved for Saturday night as well. Which meant, after a great day's skiing on Saturday we came off the piste and then had the luxury of reheating at the hotel- (hot chocolate for me and coffee for Ben) . Which in turn meant that we could go for a snowy walk and enjoy the evening and all before dinner! Really, it was just ideal and only and hour and a bit's drive from the house. Hopefully, this'll mark the first of many weekends :-)
Returning home today we found a parcel from Sam containing... freshly caught.. wonderfully vegetarian... haggis! So tomorrow night - with neeps and tatties - we'll enjoy a feast fit for Scottish poets :-) Thanks girl!