Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Emma's Walking!

I don't have any time to upload my photos of Emma at the moment but, as I've just posted on Jack biking, I thought you'd like to know.... Emma's walking :-)

Jack Biking :-)

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

La Rentrée / Back to School


You've probably been wondering why I haven't written anything about Jack's return to school yet. The truth is his 'rentrée' has gone really well but I just haven't had time to sit down and think as I've also gone back to school.


Yep, now I can tell you the wonderful news that I've been hired to teach Language and Literature classes at the Lycée International des Pontonniers in Strasbourg. It's a gorgeous high school and the students are so motivated and alive that teaching there really is an honour.

In the meantime, though, Ben and I are also working and playing hard with Emma and Jack. Emma's beginning to walk without the aid of our hands and Jack still the apple of my eye! Here's my first 'video blog' of Mr Jack 'mountain biking' in a local forest. At the end he's shouting in French, 'Did you see what I did?' Personally, I don't think you'll be able to miss it!

hugs to one and all,
