Saturday, April 22, 2006

I have legs!

See my two legs, my teddy-bear bum, and then my big head!
This is just a short, jubuliant message to say that our wee baby has legs that we saw wriggling and jiggling about this morning!
The doctor seems happy with the progress (s)he is making and we've scheduled the next scan for two months time!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

okay, so I should clarify..

okay, so I should clarify..
... Spring in Alsace still means, from time to time, you can find snow to play in!

...and, yes, Mr Snowman was pleased to have the chance to 'come to life'.

walking in the woods

To create a break in all the full-time sleeping that I'm doing at the moment, Ben and I headed out yesterday for a 'walk in the woods.'
We began at the chapel de Dabo, which is a small chapel perched on top of a hill that surveys the plateau d'Alsace from on high. Then we descended back down towards Molsheim and stopped off at a small wooded trail for an hour long wander through the trees. The weather was wonderfully sunny and the woods were alive with the sounds of Spring: the shushing of the wind, the chuckles of the birds, and silence. It felt really good to be outside and to feel winter drawing to a close.

So, here's hoping -wherever this blog finds you in the world - that the seasons are turning in your favour!


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spring is in the air!

I've been wondering how to announce this on the blog, but I guess the above picture already speaks more than a thousand words.

Benoit and I are about 8 weeks pregnant and are already counting down the days until November 3rd.

We had our second ultrascan yesterday ( we had the first three weeks ago but all we could see at that point was a little 'chick pea' that was 'tellement petit' that it wasn't worth announcing). Yesterday's scan was much better, as the wee creature measured about 2.5cm (yes, that's still petit!) and was wriggling and jiggling about as though he was very much happy to be alive!!

The funny thing was that yesterday was April 1st - and so for the moment he's our little 'poisson d'avril' and our little 'april fool'. The date of the scan is April 22nd....

So watch this space for more news... and know that I'm thinking of you all!
best regards,
ps/we are still moving ahead with the apartment and should be moving in around the end of May.