That's it!
Our lives have changed. We are no longer living in our apartment in Mutzig and we've bought an old house to renovate in Molsheim. As the renovations will take at least 6 months, we're renting an apartment (just next door to our old apartment) until the summer holidays. There's so much to be done that it's hard to imagine that we'll be able to live in the house by July but then, as my dear friend Melanie recently wrote, "if your dreams don't scare you, then they're not big enough!'
In the meantime, all is well. The Christmas holidays have just started, though it's so mild that I'm having a hard time we're realising that we're actually in December. One sign that the months have passed is that the kids have changed again. Emma can now get out of her cot, go to the loo, and get dressed by herself. It's really funny to get up in the morning and to see her living her own wee life. I told her recently that she was my "sweet pea" and she replied curtly, "No, Emma, Princess Gorgeous. No Sweetpea!" Also, she'll tell anyone who listens that she'd like a "bigger, better bed." For that, though, she'll have to wait until we're in the 'new' house. Thankfully, she has her big brother to distract her until then. Jack is doing grand and has written a full list of requests to Santa Claus, via one of Santa's helpers.. who, helpfully, also works at Jack's playschool. He's still living in the world of Flash McQueen but, now
Cars 2 has been released, his world goes far beyond Radiator Springs. The upside is that he can recognise the French, English, Japanese, and Italian flags. The downside is that he looks at me strangely if ever I try to tell him that the 'Stars and the Stripes" is the flag of America and not of Flash. Mums, what do they know?
Well, what I do know is that we're going down to Cagnes sur mer to spend Christmas with our French family! So, if I'm having trouble believing it's December now... just wait until I arrive in the land of palm trees and walks by the sea. I can't wait, though, and I'm sure Santa Claus will find us wherever we are and despite the fact we rather seem to be on the move at the moment!
And so, wherever your home is right now, know that I wish you the very best of Christmases and a very Happy New Year :-)
love n hugs,