Jack's all into discovering how things open and close at the moment.
Doors, cupboards, books - it's all the same to him. Here he is emptying one of the drawers in our bedroom. Needless to say, I was in the midst of puting things into the cupboard as he was busy taking things out!
The other big thing is that at the weekend, and for the first time, he started taking small steps to reach things. What do I mean? Well, yesterday he was standing by holding onto the table when he started crying because he wanted a toy that was at the other side of the table. As I played the mean mother and wouldn't give him the toy, he edged his way around the table to get to it. Okay, so he only took three or four wee unsteady steps but we celebrated for him. Another example? He was standing holding onto a chair and he turned, reached out, and took two little steps to reach my knees. Cool, huh? Looks like we'll soon be able to send him out in the morning to get out bread and croissants!